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Welcome to the 2024 Capital Area Autumn Classic

Rules for the 2024 Capital Area Autumn Classic

Rules for the 2024 Capital Area Autumn Classic

Tournament Rules Capital Area Autumn Classic
Sept 13-15 2024

REGISTRATION: There will be no onsite or mail in registration. It will be online through SportsForms and you will receive an email from them with instructions for the process. Your team will be required to have one copy of their official roster, pass card for each player, medical release forms, liability form, risk management cards for coaches and managers and if applicable, guest player rosters and pass card and permission to travel for out-of-state and foreign teams as well as concussion and safesport certificates for coaches and parent and athlete concussion information sheet for each player attending tournament.

RISK MANAGEMENT: Capital Area Autumn Classic adhere to the Michigan State Youth Soccer Association Risk Management policies: These can be found at the MSYSA website orkshop.pdf. All MSYSA Team Officials must be risk management certified by MSYSA and must be able to present their risk management card at any time during the tournament. Team Officials from other State Associations and/or other organizational members of US Soccer Federation must be able to show proof of their organization’s equivalent risk management certification.

SafeSport Compliance
All Adult members must obtain RM clearance and also complete the ‘Core SafeSport Training’ by the earlier of 1) prior to regular contact with a Minor Participant; or 2) within the first 45 days of the Covered Adult taking on the role giving them access to Minor Participants. The SafeSport Trained requirement is considered valid for one year and a SafeSport Refresher course is available on the website in order for Covered Adults to maintain their SafeSport Certification.
COVID-19 Safety Protocols The tournament will adhere to MSYSA’s Return To Play Guidelines and all relevant
Michigan Executive Orders regarding COVID-19 safety protocols, gathering sizes, etc.
Medical Insurance It is required that non-MYSA teams show proof of medical insurance to the tournament when requested.

Permission to Travel for US Youth Soccer teams, Permission to Travel or Notification Form approved by their home State Association must be provided. Non-US Youth Soccer teams must be able to provide similar documentation.

Concussion Policy
MSYSA coaches must be able to provide their CDC Heads Up Concussion Certification. All non MSYSA coach must be able to provide the CDC Heads-up Concussion certificate or the NFHS Concussion in Sports certificate. Teams must be able to provide the Michigan Department of Community Health/CDC Parent and Athlete Concussion Information Sheet for each player attending the tournament. Concussion certificates should be no more than 3 years old. If so you must renew

Elimination of Heading Policy
a. All players age 10 and younger, regardless of what age group they play in, may not head the ball.
b. All players in the U11 age group or younger may not head the ball.
c. A header by these players shall result in an indirect free kick awarded to the opponent at the spot of the infraction. If the header occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick shall be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred.


Under 7-Born in 2018
Under 8-Born in 2017
Under 9-Born in 2016
Under 10-Born in 2015
Under 11-Born in 2014
Under 12-Born in 2013
Under 13-Born in 2012
Under 14 – Born in 2011
Under 15 – Born in 2010
Under 16 – Born in 2009
Under 17 – Born in 2008
Under 18 – Born in 2007
Under 19- Born in 2006

ROSTERS: A roster must be on file with tournament headquarters prior to competition and it must be a team roster for the Fall of 2024. A player can only be rostered on one team. The maximum roster size per age group is as follows: DOUBLE ROSTERING IS ALLOWED. PLAYERS ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO PLAY FOR TWO TEAMS IN THE TOURNAMENT. PLAYERS WILL BE ALLOWED TO PLAY FOR MORE THAN ONE TEAM ONLY IF TEAMS ARE NOT IN SAME BRACKET. PLAYERS MUST BE LISTED ON BOTH ROSTERS PRIOR TO THE START OF THE TOURNMENT.

4v4- 8 players maximum (U7-U8)
7v7-12 players maximum (U8, U9-10) U8 players wishing to play 7v7 will be in a division called U9Y
9v9 -16 players maximum (U10, U11 and U12 teams playing 9v9) U10 players wishing to play 9v9 will play in division called U11Y, U12 players wishing to play 11v11 will need to play in the U13Y division and conform to the 11v11 format and rules
11 v 11-22 players maximum (U 13 -U 19 teams) But maximum game roster size is 18

Referee Assignor and Game Officials
Tournament uses a 2024 USSF certified assignor and that all referee assigning is done through Game Officials. Furthermore, out-of-area referee will need to show photo proof to verify identity
*Teams U13 to U19 may have 22 players registered l, however teams may only dress 18 of the 22 players registered for any one game.

A maximum of 3 guest players for 4v4 and 5 guest players for 7v7, 9v9, 11v11 (from outside a team’s club) are allowed per team at MSYSA sanctioned tournaments. Additionally, an unlimited number of club pass card players are allowed per team provided that at least 50% of the players appearing on a tournament roster also appear on a team’s league roster.. “Club” means an organization providing soccer to youth players that is either a direct member of MSYSA or that registers players with MSYSA through an affiliated member. At no time shall an affiliated member who functions as a “scheduling league” also be considered a “club”. In the case where a club sets up one or more satellite clubs in the state, those satellite clubs may only be considered part of the main club for the purposes of the Genesee Cup if all the following criteria are met: 1. The main club and satellite club have the same Board of Directors 2. The main club and satellite club have the same Tax ID number 3. The main club and satellite club are in the same MSYSA District as determined by the MSYSA Board of Directors.

Boys are NOT allowed to play on girl’s teams even if they have a valid pass card.

(4v4) Four 10 minute quarters
7v7) 2 x 25 minute halves (prelim, semi & finals) (9 v 9) 2x 30 minute halves (prelim, semi, & finals)
(11 v 11) 2 x 35 minute halves (prelim, semi & finals)
Note: Games may be shortened to maintain the integrity of the schedule during the preliminary and semi-final games. There is no overtime during preliminary rounds.

SUBSTITUTIONS: Substitutions may be made with referees’ approval only. Substitution requests may be given at
these times:
• Substitutions: Must be made from the centerline
• Substitutions are unlimited; however, they can be made only at the following times and under the following conditions:
• After a goal is scored. Prior to restarting the game with a goal kick by either team
• Throw-in (kick-in for 4v4) has been awarded for the team in possession of the ball. If team in possession is subbing, then opposing team can also sub at this time.
• At half time. (Referee notification is only required for a goalkeeper substitution at this time).

• When play is stopped for an injured player. Only the injured player may be substituted, the opposing team may substitute one if so desired.
• For a player who has just received a yellow card, but only if the game has not been restarted.
• In order to preserve time, goalkeeper substitution will be allowed only if substitute comes from the bench and is
ready immediately, exception: during play only in the event of injury to the goalkeeper.
All teams must be in possession of the following items at all tournament games for all players, including guest players.

A. Current 2024 passcards
B. Official Roster 2024
C. Signed medical release forms
D. Guest Player Roster (if applicable)
E. Valid Risk Management Cards (Non-MSYSA Teams need to bring your organization’s equivalent)
F. Approved Permission to Travel Form for Out-of-state teams
G. Concussion certificates for coaches and parent and athlete concussion information sheet for each player attending
H. SafeSport trained certificate (electronic version is acceptable

Spectators and Teams
a. Teams will have their bench on the same side. Spectators will be on the opposite side. The halfway line will divide
the teams and the spectators. Coaches are responsible for the spectator’s behavior. Dissent will not be tolerated.
b. Coaches are RESPONSIBLE for the spectators that accompany his or her team
c. No artificial noisemakers of any kind are permitted. The Tournament Director has the final decision in case of any discrepancies.
d. If it becomes evident that the spectators become unruly and cannot be controlled, the field sidelines will be cleared of all spectators. If spectators refuse to leave the field of play, the game will be suspended and perhaps forfeited upon an investigation by the Tournament Director.
e. If it is feasible to replay the game that was cancelled because of spectator behavior, no spectators will be permitted at the game site of the replayed game.
f. Coach and/ or team may be assessed a $200 fine as a result of unacceptable spectator behavior or referee abuse.

Coaching from the Sidelines
a. A coach may coach his/her own team from the sidelines, provided that mechanical devices are not used, tone of voice is informative and not a harangue, and he/she stays within his/her technical area during the game.
b. “Mechanical Devices” (above) includes but is not limited to cell phones as well as other devices as determined by the Tournament Director.
c. Failure to abide by the aforementioned criteria in coaching from the sidelines may result in sanctioned by the Tournament Director such as game suspensions, game forfeitures, and fees.

Athletic Trainers/Health Care Professionals (HCP)
d. An adequate number of Health Care Professionals (HCP) will be present for the tournament if the tournament has 64 or more teams at U11 and older age groups. Health Care Professionals are considered an Athletic Trainer Certified (ATC) or Physician (MD/DO), with skills in emergency care, sports medicine injuries and experience related to concussion evaluation and management.

Alcohol and Illegal Drugs
e. Players and coaches are prohibited from consuming alcohol or using illegal drugs during competition.
f. Players and coaches are also prohibited from using any form of tobacco at the playing site of the tournament. The penalty for violation by player and/or coach may be disqualification from the tournament.

Spirit of the Game
g. If the Tournament Director determines that a particular action by a team or any of its members or spectators is deemed unacceptable for any reason, the team may be disqualified, sanctioned, and/or face forfeiture of one or more games.
h. In the event that any team is suspected of forfeiting a game with the design or purpose of controlling the advancement of any team from its own bracket or any other bracket, the Tournament Director may require such an advancing team to play another qualifying game against the next highest ranking team that would otherwise be eligible to advance.

Player Equipment:
1. Shin guards are mandatory and must be covered by socks.
2. Shirt/jerseys will be tucked into players shorts at all times.

3. Hard cast and Soft cast will be allowed upon approval of referee and/or tournament Committee.
4. The home team is the FIRST team listed. Home team should wear light colored jerseys (i.e. white, beige, etc.) away team should wear dark colored jerseys (i.e. black, navy, etc.).
7v7 and 9v9 format will use a size 4 ball. 11v11 format will use a size 5 ball. Game Ball-To be provided by the team listed as HOME

DIVISION STANDINGS: Win = 3 pts. Tie = 1 pt. Loss = 0 pt.

Division of 5 Teams – A round robin competition will be held. Upon conclusion of the round robin play, all teams will be ranked as to their performance over the 4 games. Champion and Finalist awards will be made to the teams with the highest two-point totals. Ties will be broken according to Tie Breaker Rules.


1. Head to Head (skip if more than two teams are tied)
a. If three-way tie, then head to head is thrown out completely
b. In a three-way tie, once a team is advanced it will not revert back to head to head.
2. Net score- Goals scored less goals allowed (max. 4 per game)
3. Least goals against
4. Most goals scored (max. 4 per game)
5. Penalty kicks. 5 per team, alternating. If tied after 5 each, 1 per team will be selected until the tie is broken. (The penalty shooters can be anyone who is dressed to play and rostered, only applies to tie breaker).
6. All Division winners are set, and then the wildcard process takes place.
OVERTIME – FIFA’s rules specify that if overtime periods are used, overtime periods must be played to completion. “Golden goal” and “Silver goal” are no longer allowed.

The Selection of a Wild Card Team, if required, shall be determined by:
1. Non-group winner with the most total points.
2. Winner of the game, if applicable, played between the tied teams.
3. Goal differential- max 4 per game
4. Non group winner with the most wins.
5. Fewer total goals allowed.
6. Penalty kicks. If both teams advance, the tournament committee will decide the opponents at the next level of play.
7. Wildcard teams may be changed if the two teams played each other in preliminary rounds.
Wildcard Teams
Game Clock: Due to the time allowed for completion of all games the clock runs continuously.

TIES DURING CHAMPIONSHIP OR PLAYOFF GAMES are settled by 2 x 5-minute overtime periods, overtimes must be played too completion. No Golden Goal or Silver Goal allowed. Both periods will be played in duration. If a tie still exists, penalty kicks will take place, rule #12 5 will not apply. Players taking penalty kicks must be players that were on the field when the whistle blew to end over time.

Penalty kick elimination: When semi-final and final matches are still tied after overtime the FIFA laws of the game for Penalty Kicks apply. Only players on the field at the end of the second overtime period are eligible for penalty kicks. Coin flip will determine who will go first (visiting team calls). Five penalty kickers per team. The most goals scored after five kicks for each team will win the game. If the score remains tied, teams will alternate shooters until there is an unmatched goal between the teams. After all eligible players on the field of play have taken kicks; teams will start with their first kickers again and in the same order.
*The Tournament Committee reserves the right to shorten or eliminate overtime periods in order to keep games on time.

Fielding a team: A team that fails to field players (3 for 4v4, 5 for 7v7 games, 6 for 9v9 games, 7 for 11v11.) 5 minutes after the scheduled kick off, will forfeit. The score will be 4-0. Any team who forfeits a game will not advance from their bracket. Any use of illegal players will result in a forfeiture of all games.

DISPUTES Any disagreement which cannot be resolved by the listed rules will be settled by the Tournament Committee.
Score disputes: In situations where there is a disagreement about the score between teams/coaches/managers etc.,

the tournament committee will determine outcome by referring to the original signed game card from the game. Please make sure that the score is correct prior to signing the game sheet

REFEREES DECISIONS ARE FINAL NO PROTESTS NO APPEALS. Final Rulings-The final interpreter of the foregoing rules and regulations and any matters not provided for in these rules will the Tournament Committee, whose decisions shall be final.
Misapplication of the Laws of the Game may be a valid basis for a protest. Thus, a refereee’s judgement shall not be a basis for protests. Any protest must be presented in writing to the Tournament Director with one hour of the completion of the game in protest. All protests must be accompanied with a $150 bond. If protest is upheld, the bond will be returned. Any protest against any team that has already been eliminated will not be entertained.

a. Any player or coach ejected from a game will be ineligible to participate in the next scheduled game. The player/coach pass card is to be turned in to the site headquarters immediately following the initial suspension game. If dismissed in the last game, a red card report will be filed with the state association and disciplinary action will be determined by that association. A red and yellow card report is provided to the state association that teams participating in the tournament come from.
b. There shall be no dissent between players and/or coaches and the referee. Questioning a referee is considered dissent. All coaches are responsible for the actions of their spectators, specifically verbal abuse of referees. Such abuse will not be tolerated by the tournament and any decisions will be made by the tournament committee.

Inclement Weather Policy
The tournament will follow US Soccer’s position statement that indicates when lightening is seen, the tournament will count the time until thunder is heard. If this time is thirty seconds or less, seek shelter. Wait thirty minutes or more after hearing the last thunder before resuming activities.
Weather issues and final games: If weather does not permit the final game from being played and there are no other options to move game to a playable location that is agreed upon by both teams then Co-champions will be awarded. INCLEMENT WEATHER: The tournament committee and/or director have the right to stop games due to weather.
Games interrupted in the first half:
a. will continue if time permits
b. If time does not permit, a 0-0 tie will be awarded. Games interrupted after the completion of the first half:
1. will continue if time permits
2. If time does not permit, the score of the game will stand.



EJECTIONS: Any player, coach, assistant coach or manager receiving a red card will not be permitted to participate in the remainder of the game and the following game. Suspension from additional games will be contingent upon a review of the violation after receipt of the referee report. Tournament will submit a red/yellow card to the state/league and state association at the conclusion of the event and disciplinary actions may be determined by each league and/or state association. A 2nd red card results in suspension from the remainder of the tournament.

All Park rules must be obeyed while on premises. VIOLATORS WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE.

ABSOLUTELY NO ABUSE TOWARDS REFEREES WILL BE TOLERATED. Any parent or spectator in violation will be asked to leave the field on and be barred from the tournament. It is the responsibility of the coach to make sure his/her parents understand this rule.

All Park rules must be obeyed while on premises. VIOLATORS WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE.


TOURNAMENT HEADQUARTERS Tournament headquarters will be located at Capital Area Autumn Classic, 5801 Aurelius Rd, Lansing, MI. Key contact is Jason Barron, Tournament Director at 810-691-9899.

ELIGIBILITY All state associations, foreign teams-Canadian, all US Youth Soccer affiliated teams are eligible to participate in the Lansing Spring Classic.

HOME TEAM The home team is the FIRST team listed. Home team should wear light colored jerseys (ie. white, beige, etc) away team should wear dark colored jerseys (ie. black, navy, etc)

DISPUTES Any disagreement which cannot be resolved by the listed rules will be settled by the Tournament Committee.
Score disputes: In situations where there is a disagreement about the score between teams/coaches/managers etc, the tournament committee will determine outcome by referring to the original signed game card from the game.
Please make sure that the score is correct prior to signing the game sheet

7v7: Provisions
Offside - The build out line will also be used to denote where offside offenses can be called. Players cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the two build out lines on the field. Players can be penalized for an offside offense between the build out line and goal line.
Placement of the Build out Line - The build out line shall be placed equal distant between the top of the penalty line (not the top of the arc that is attached to penalty line) and the halfway line of the field.
Build Out Line The build out line promotes playing the ball out of the back in a less pressured setting. When the goalkeeper has the ball in hand in the run of play (from opponent) or from a goal kick, the opposing team must move behind the build out line. The retreated team can resume normal play once the ball crosses the penalty area line.
Free Kicks - Both Direct and Indirect kicks per FIFA Laws of the game.
Goal Kick - Restarts are started with the ball on the ground placed inside the 6-yard box. (no more GK picking up the ball and restarting with ball in hand).
No punting or drop kicks from goalie

•Shin guards are required
•Substitutions are unlimited and can occur at any time
•4 quarters
•No more than 10-minute quarters
•Kick offs, free kicks, throw-ins, goal kicks and corner kicks are used to start or restart play
•Kick-ins and/or dribble-ins are also acceptable -
•Goal kicks and corner kicks should be taken in the general vicinity of the respective goal or corner
•If used, all free kicks are indirect
•Opponents should be 10 feet away from the ball on all restarts
•No penalty kicks
•No offside
Medals and Trophies: All age groups are playing for Champion and finalist individual medals and team trophy. Indoor Provisions:
All ball that comes in contact with the ceiling, roof, structure, etc shall be restarted at the closest point of contact as
an indirect free kick for the team that kicked the ball into the ceiling, etc. AND the ball must be kicked to the
opponent’s goalkeeper.

Unmanned Aircraft System (DRONES)
The use of nonapproved unmanned aircraft systems (drones) is strictly prohibited at any/all tournament games. The systems may be approved by the tournament for a specified promotional activity give that the request is submitted in writing to the tournament in advance. Any person in violation of this policy shall be immediately removed from the field, facility and/or event.
Notice of Amendments
a. The tournament rules are subject to change with or without notice.

Head injury Substitution Protocol See Appendix A

Appendix A

Suspected Head Injury Substitution Protocol Rule
Situations where a Health Care Professional (HCP) is Present:
Any player who sustains a significant blow to the head or body, who complains about or is exhibiting symptoms consistent with having suffered a concussion or is otherwise suspected of having sustained a concussion, must be evaluated on the sideline by a on-site HCP. This professional will perform applicable testing-SCAT3 or Child SCAT3 and modified BESS to evaluate players on the field/sideline. Any player suspected of suffering a concussion will not be allowed to return to play until he/she is cleared by the Health Care Professional. Coaches, parents/guardians or players may not overrule the Health Care Professional. If a coach seeks to allow a player to re-enter the game who had been removed from a game for a concussion assessment and who has not been cleared to return to play by the on-site HCP, the referee shall issue a warning to the coach. If a coach persists in seeking to allow such player to re- enter the game after having been issued a warning, the referee is entitled to take other disciplinary measures against the coach as are permitted.

Situations where no Health Care Professional (HCP) is Present:
If a player who sustains a significant blow to the head or body, who complains about or is exhibiting symptoms consistent with having suffered a concussion or is otherwise suspected of having sustained a concussion, must be evaluated by an HCP before the player will be allowed to return to practice or play. No coach shall permit a player who has been removed from a game for a concussion assessment to return to play until cleared to do so by an HCP. If a coach seeks to allow a player who had ben removed from a game for a concussion assessment to re-enter the game, the referee shall allow the player to return to the field but shall immediately stop play, direct the player to leave the field of play and direct the coach to remove the player and select a substitute. If a coach seeks to allow a player to re- enter who had been removed from a game for a concussion assessment, the referee shall issue a warning to the coach. If a coach persists in seeking to allow a player to re-enter the game after having been issued a warning, the referee is entitled to take such other disciplinary measures as are permitted. Unless an HCP determines that the player has not suffered a concussion, and cleared the player to return to play, the player will not be permitted to return to practice or play until the player has successfully completed the return to play protocol and has been cleared to return to play by a Physician.

A goalkeeper receives a head injury:
• A head injury to a goalkeeper is treated exactly the same as any other head injury. There is no special circumstances for this situation.

Does a neck injury count as a head injury:
• No, neck injuries are not considered head injury



Capital Area Autumn Classic

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